Sep 15, 2016 | NDT Services
Radiography involves the use of penetrating Gamma or X-Radiation to examine parts for imperfection. An X-Ray generator or Radioactive isotope is used as a source of radiation. Radiation is directed though the test area and onto the firm, any imperfection are indicated...
Sep 11, 2016 | NDT Services
For internal Flaw/Imperfection of a materiel, a good way to examine is by using Ultrasonic Flaw Detection. It transmits a high frequency of sound waves into a material to detect imperfection. The sound is introduced into the test object and reflections are return to a...
Sep 11, 2016 | NDT Services
Liquid / Dry Penetration Testing is used to check for surface cracks/flaws of a component. There are 2 types of color contrast techniques which are visible & Fluorescent. Test object are coated with visible or Fluorescent dye solution. Excess dye is then removed...
Sep 10, 2016 | NDT Services
The objectives of the Hardness Testing are to check for the effectiveness of Heat Treatment by evaluating the hardness of the material. It is done by using a hardened steel ball which is pressed into the surface of the metal to make an indentation. The Spherical area...
Sep 10, 2016 | NDT Services
This is an operation or combinations of operation which metals are heated and cooled to enhance strengthen the physical properties of the material. There are 4 basic types of Heat Treatment method which are annealing. Normalizing, Hardening & Tampering. With our...
Sep 10, 2016 | NDT Services
The objectives of Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement specified in survey of the Classification Rules and requirements are to conduct Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement on principal structure hull member relation to corrosion and wastage of deterioration of the entire hull...